Thursday, December 07, 2006

AAG, AmritsarAIDS Awareness Group, Amritsar: WORLD-Women Organised to Respond to Life Threatening Diseases

AAG, AmritsarAIDS Awareness Group, Amritsar: WORLD-Women Organised to Respond to Life Threatening Diseases

WORLD-Women Organised to Respond to Life Threatening Diseases

Training & Education director of WORLD visits BDC Research Center
6th December was aspecial day for HIV positive women of Amritsar.Ms.Shailini eddens from WORLD,Oakland,California alongwith Mr.Clayton Bond,Cultural secretary,american embassy and his assistant Mr.Ramesh Jain visited and interected with HIV positive women of Amritsar.
They also addressed airmen's wives in the evening.
The visit to DR.Bharti's center and meeting Ravi Saini another activist by these dignitories will go a long way in the fight against HIV especially for women

Shalini Eddens,Clayton Bond and RameshJain;s visit

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