Dear All,
I am an Ophthalmologist and am a member of your group also, because I am interested in the Ophthalmic complications of HIV and we in our hospital go to any extent to help the victim if he has any Ophthalmic problem free of cost.
Dr. Bharti's views which He has written to day and the way he has posted ,it apperas that you all will not be interested in posting your comments. Like many problems ,HIV too need a humane element.
These patients need love ,encouragement and proper guidance and councelling as Bharti has aptly put.
Don't give them cold shoulder. Your expertise and more so your love and care can help them lead normal, healthy and fruiteful lives. I hope ,the experts come on this debate and enlighten us how best we can make their lives fruiteful .Let us give them hope.
Arun Verma