Monday, July 31, 2006

Double Tre(ou)ble-any suggestions

HIV+HCV survivor now wants a baby
This man had HCV and HIV positive,suffered from cryptococcal meningitis,had a narrow brush with death but won over.This was year 2004. After survival he married his fiancee(not telling her the truth of his ailment) and now since he is clinically and otherwise(Lab parameters) sound,his expectations from life and wife have doubled.Young man wants to have a child.He has read about sperm washing and all.His concern is how to fight out both HIV and HCV,concern is not to pass on the HIV to wife and child by PTCT measures,concern is not pass on HCV too.
Any suggestions are welcome (should include practical things and costs involved).They can be sent to me at rakesh.bharti1 (at)gmail(dot)com
Dr.Rakesh Bharti
BDC Research Center,
27-D,Sant Avenue,
The Mall,Amritsar

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